Introduction To This Blog

Introduction To This Blog

In 2011, my beloved miniature pinscher Bucky died very suddenly. He had been my soul mate and my psychiatric service dog. Because of my grief, I was unable to leave the house.

Another writer, my friend Carle, decided to help me through this process. I was obsessed with the television show starring Hugh Laurie, "House M.D," about a misanthropic, brilliant, crippled doctor. Carle downloaded the first 5 seasons. Within a few episodes, he was as obsessed as I was. This blog is the correspondence we conducted, episode by episode. With a few digressions.

Carle's entries are in black; my contributions are in blue.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Season 1, Episode 13, "Cursed": Hugh Laurie's Audition video

A Ouija board tells a young boy he will die, and he soon comes down with a serious illness. As his father is a major donor to the hospital, he insists on the best they have and Cuddy presses House to take the case. As they work through the possible solutions, House wonders why the father is so familiar with certain rare diseases. Meanwhile, a visitor to the hospital allows House to put Chase under the microscope.It's a very mobile nose. <"made a phone call" is in the pilot. I think Foreman says it. Speaking of obsessed, there is a community of people who--wait for it--TRANSCRIBE every episode! Do NOT get into an argument with one of these people.

what i like is how, for at least one ep, is has (d)evolved into General Hospital! kindly dr. greg actually takes an interest in the world around him! there is no mention here of the "phone call" that Chase Sr. did to get Chase Jr on the team, that you mentioned earlier. but it IS weird how Chase Sr. is drawn in by House to, apparently, rub Chase Jr's nose in it...(which you say is already up house's butt, so then approximately where is his nose in this ep???)  well, yes, transparent and obvious that the whole bonding thing Chase does with the kid is supposed to be a reflection of the two dads as well...and, well, like i said up top: General Hospital.

big yock: Wilson: "even I don't like you" [exit] House: [shouting after] "hey! words can hurt!"

So, now Wilson is supposed to be a skirt-chaser? you did say something about him seeking to "ship" with moist earth. though. i dunno, tho'. thing about rakes are that they are incredibly self-centered, right? the whole ego + conqueror thang? i mean, sure, there are guys who are just seeking to get their rocks off, granted. but to become a head of oncology? don't you have to have more of an alpha male aspect than Wilson has exhibited? of course, i can gather that is forthcoming.

P.S. Took me a while to figure out how to get to the page but found Polite Dissent extremely fine. so far i think i have seen at least two anaphylactic seizures and missed the cues!


I don't much care for this episode, except for House tormenting Chase about his dad and the father/son rivalry. As for where Chase's nose's a very mobile nose.

"made a phone call" is in the pilot. I think Foreman says it. Speaking of obsessed, there is a community of people who--wait for it--TRANSCRIBE every episode! Do NOT get into an argument with one of these people.

"Shipping" is not is True Love and Real Romance.

Wilson is SO not alpha! I was baffled for a long time by Wilson being the head of oncology. Honestly, I don't know how to answer these questions. It's outside my area of expertise.

BTW, when Hugh Laurie got the script, he thought the part of House was the sidekick; he couldn't imagine a show built around this character. He figured the "boyishly handsome oncologist" would be the lead.

The reason his character looks the way he does is because HL was filming "Flight of the Phoenix" in Africa. He did his audition in a hotel bathroom in Namibia. For the film his hair [s uncut and he is scruffy since his character was marooned in the desert. So the powers that be went for that look. They had been casting for ages for an actor. Apparently one of the creators of the show said, when he saw the tape, "At last! An American actor!"

Hugh Laurie apologizes for his appearance at the beginning, then you hear the recording beep and off they go.

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